Scheduling Optimization
October-November 2019
About the company
Advanced Glass Products (AGP) is the world leader in the design and production of curved armored glass. The group was founded 50 years ago and has now manufacturing operations in Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Germany and Belgium. They export to more than 1000 clients in 50 countries. For the anecdote, AGP manufactures the windshield "big sky"of the Tesla Model X.

The Challenge
The manufacturing process of armored glass goes through several phases: cutting of the glass in individual layers, processing, junction, bending, polishing, assembly and lamination. The challenge consists in finding the best scheduling of the layers (which layer goes in which machine and in which order) in order to minimize the costs and deliver the products as soon as possible
reduction in overtime work
increase in production throughput
reduction in orders dealys

Winners of the Challenge

Daniel Amézquita Ortiz
Daniel's software managed to find a solution that doesn't require any overtime work. The overall execution time is less than 30 seconds. He also tested his algorithm robustness by running different sets of datas

Pawel Alayon Benavides
David Hurtado Martinez
Their software reduces overtime work by more of 90%. In another scenario their software finds a solution to reduce by 50% the number of required machines with almost no impact on the other performance indicators. Finally they run a bunch of simulations to reduce tardiness by 15%.

Camilo Jaimes Ramirez
Juan Camilo Ibarra
Their software reduces overtime work by more of 90%. With an execution time of less than 1 minute. In the presentation to the company they also made the case on how the current performance is subject to the previous phases of the overall process
A word from the professor
At Javeriana University we were very eager to work again with AGP on this second Challenge. We highly value AGP's dedication to be constantly improving and their open mindedness to new ideas. For our students, this culture is a model to what an engineer should aim for in terms of excellence and work ethic. At the end of the process, this second Challenge shed light on some areas of improvement and helped us lay the ground for new common projects.

Prof. Rabie Nait-Abdallah
Leader of the Challenge
Javeriana University